Thursday, August 13, 2009

Take THAT, iFart!

iFart is an application that generates different fart noises which you can download to your iPhone.

Now the competition gets even dirtier with Pee Now, an application which... well, let's let the developer's own words do the describing:

"This application is true urinary fun. The application allows you to play pranks on friends or foes. Use Pee Now to shock your friends and embarrass your enemies in public. Mark your territory as you choose your peeing terrain. If you are in a class room with tile floors just click"Pee on Tile". If you are standing next to someone in your driveway just click"Pee on Gravel" Dont worry, if your driveway is paved, just click on "Pee on cement" Have you ever been the butt of a joke? We all have trouble trying to express ourselves sometimes,we use our hind site and wish we had thought of a witty come back line. No need to panic while coming up with a great comeback line any longer. PeeNow includes Pee related comebacks at the touch of a finger. You dont even have to open your mouth. Your iphone will do the talking for you. The creators of PeeNow say why spend time laughing at passing gas, when you can laugh so hard you will pee your pants. "

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