Friday, June 12, 2009

Playing Hooky, Get Excuse note from the President

President Obama was in Green Bay talking about his health care plan when a father got up to ask a question. The man said his daughter, Kennedy was missing the last day of school to be here. He hopes she doesn't get into trouble. President Obama offered to write Kennedy an excuse note.

Here is the exchange:

John Corpus: My name is John Corpus, I am fortunate enough to be here with
my 10 year old daughter who is missing her last day of school to be here, I
hope she doesn't get in trouble..

President Obama: Oh no. Do you need me to write a note?

Corpus: Actually I'll take you up on that Mr President..

Obama: Okay go ahead, I'll start writing. What's her name?

Corpus: John Corpus

Obama: No, her.

Corpus: Oh...(laughter)...well considering I have some people here from
work, they're very interested..

Obama: No no I'm serious, what's your daughter's name?

Corpus: Her name is Kennedy.

Obama: Kennedy, all right, that's a cool name.

Corpus: It's a very cool name, thank you.

Obama: I'm going to write, "To Kennedy's teacher.." okay go ahead I'm
listening to your question.

Obama: Here you go Kennedy, here's your note..there you go, you got it.

Kennedy: He Kennedy's teacher. Please excuse Kennedy's absence..
she's with me. Barack Obama.

Kennedy described the whole thing as "like, really

So, the next time you want to play hooky, you know where to get a note.

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