Saturday, May 9, 2009

Entertaining text messages

You know that text message you sent at 3 or 4 am... well, everyone can see it now. You can find it at the site TFLN or You can search the site by area code (big cities like 212, 312, 201 are most entertaining), and by best nights, worst nights.
There are too many funny posts to put here, but... some of the PG rated ones...
(201): you remind me of a slightly lless slutty bristol palin
(914): and you remind me of a slightly less retarded levi johnston
(818): people and things i regret. that's what i want to do tonight.
And best of all, you can post your own for the rest of us to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Bryce pointed this site out to me the other day. Laughed out loud for a long time reading these. Couldn't even pick my favorites... they're all so good...
