Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Google Hires Goats

Sure it's easy to just brush (sorry) this story aside, but it's pretty interesting if you're a goat. You get a ride to Google's Mountain View, CA headquarters and you can graze and poop (am...fertilize the land) all you want.

Google used to pay people to mow the lawn until they came up with this greener solution. So basically, these goats are taking away jobs from Americans. I'd like to see some work visas. First we had to worry about immigrants, now we have to worry about goats. Good Grief.

By the way, Yahoo also has a similar deal with goats.

Not everyone is happy about this arrangement. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is worried about how these goats are transported to and from Google's headquarters. Is it possible to make PETA happy? I suppose if they were happy, they might be out of business. Carry on, PETA.

1 comment:

  1. Goats are used across California to clear away brush and thus reduce the risk of property damage in the (increasingly likely) event of wildfires.

    However, as drought conditions continue in California, in some locations the brush is getting so dry that not even goats will eat it.

    And as California's unemployment rate rises above 11%, no word yet if CalFire will hire temp workers to eat the brush.
