Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The salary of a stay- at- home mom

Mother's Day just passed but some people will tell you that the work of a mother is never done.
What exactly is that work worth anyway? Salary.com has been figuring that out for the last 9 years... this year's number is $122, 732 a year. This number is based on the top 10 mom jobs like: laundry machine operator, janitor, van driver, housekeeper, computer operator, cook, and my favorite: psychologist.

Apparently the work of a stay-at-home dad is worth more than mom... $128,755. There are a lot of variables like where you live, but you can calculate your worth at salary.com.

But really, can you put a price on a mom's job? If you ask some people, mom's are too super to put a dollar figure on.

**Note... woman pictured is not a stay- at- home mom.

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