Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Can 'brain sex' lead to sex on the brain?

It's difficult to resist this pun when I have such a heady subject in front of me. Now, that I got that one out of my system, I came across this really interesting article about 'brain sex' or verbal foreplay. In its simplest terms, brain sex is that intellectual connection you have with someone that causes arousal. It could be a playful text or e-mail message or witty banter in person. As one person said, excitement is excitement, it does not matter how you get there and apparently your body does not know the difference. So, as Valentine's Day approaches, forget the flowers and chocolate and strike up a scintillating conversation about politics, religion or food with your significant other. Keep talking and you might both end up with sex on the brain. Feel free to practice in the comments section.

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