Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Truly Snail Mail

In this day of instant messaging, we are reminded how truly slow snail mail can be. The post office prides itself for delivering the mail regardless of weather conditions. For one woman, the post office delivered, but it was 22 years late. The Oregon woman waited that long to respond to her nephew's high school graduation party invitation. Her family wondered why she did not say anything about the graduation party, but they figured she is too far away. How rude though to not even send the kid a card. What a terrible aunt. She's officially not a bad person, she just never got the invite.

The U.S. Postal Service says the delay was a "very unusual."
How about you, do you still prefer paper invitations? The post office is talking about cutting back on mail delivery. Would you miss snail mail?

1 comment:

  1. Getting a real letter was always nice. It means even more in this day and age, I think.
